I am sure many of you are familiar with the benefits of buying American made products. Here at Conterra, our entire brand is manufactured within the state of Washington. Obviously, we are passionate about American-made. We love the fact that buying American-made products creates jobs in our communities, reinvests our dollars in our economy, supports humane working environments and stems from more environmentally sustainable practices. That being said, I am not here to tell you why you should buy our American-made products. Instead I would like to share with you the top four reasons why we choose to manufacture our products here in the USA.
We are intimately involved in the manufacturing of our products.
We know the people manufacturing our designs.
We are committed to investing in our community and our country.
We believe that Americans will realize the investment they are making by purchasing American-made products.
There you see, not only is manufacturing American-made products a philosophy near to our hearts, but we also believe it is a smart business decision.
Conterra Inc